Diana's Desserts - www.dianasdesserts.com

Honey Chocolate Chip Cookies

Servings: 3 dozen
½ cup shortening
½ cup honey
1 large egg
½ tsp. vanilla extract
1 ¾ cup all-purpose flour
1/3 tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. baking soda
½ tsp. salt
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
¼ cup chopped walnuts

Cream shortening and honey until light and fluffy. Add egg and vanilla and beat well. Sift
flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt together. Add to the creamed mixture and
blend thoroughly. Fold in chocolate chips and nuts. Chill dough in refrigerator for 1 hour.
Drop by teaspoonfuls on a greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit
for 10-12 minutes. Makes 3 dozen cookies.

Source: DianasDesserts.com
Date: July 13, 2002