Diana's Desserts - www.dianasdesserts.com

Zabaglione with Strawberries

Servings: Makes 8 servings
One of Italy's great gifts to the rest of the world, zabaglione is an ethereal dessert made by whisking together egg yolks, wine (traditionally marsala) and sugar. This beating is done over simmering water so that the egg yolks cook as they thicken into a light, foamy custard. Traditional zabaglione must be made just before serving. (There is also a frozen version.) The warm froth can be served either as a dessert by itself or as a sauce over cake, fruit, ice cream or pastry. In France it's called sabayon or sabayon sauce.

From, The New Food Lover's Companion, Second Edition, by Sharon Tyler Herbst.

5 large egg yolks
5 tablespoons granulated or superfine sugar
12 tablespoons "Sweet" Marsala wine
1 pint fresh strawberries, hulled and sliced in half
Lady fingers or Savoiardi cookies for
serving with dessert

Set up a double boiler or a medium-size stainless-steel bowl over a pot of simmering water. Check to make sure the bottom of the bowl is not touching the
water, or the eggs may scramble.

With a hand held electric mixer, beat the
egg yolks and sugar together until pale
yellow. Add the marsala wine and set the bowl over the simmering water. Continue to beat with the electric mixer until the eggs triple in volume, thicken and reach a temperature of 140 degrees F, as
registered on an instant thermometer. Be
sure to beat the eggs until they reach this temperature at which salmonella bacteria is killed. This will take about 10 to 15 minutes. Be sure to move the beater around the bowl so the eggs cook evenly; there will be quite a bit of spattering.
Put the strawberries in stemmed glasses or in bowls. Top with the hot zabaglione and either serve the dessert immediately or refrigerate it for up to an hour.

To Serve The Zabaglione with Strawberries
Put the strawberries in stemmed glasses or in bowls. Top with the hot zabaglione and either serve the dessert immediately or refrigerate it for up to an hour.

Serve with ladyfingers or savoiardi, an Italian cookie.

An alternative way to serve this is to take slices of pound cake or panettone and set them on a broiler pan. Cover the cake slices with a layer of sliced strawberries or peeled Comice pear, and ladle a portion of the zabaglione over the fruit.
Broil the slices for a minute or until the zabaglione is bubbling and lightly
browned. Serve immediately.

Makes: 8 servings.

Serve zabaglione with strawberries,
raspberries or blueberries. Any of these berries make a lovely combination with this very traditional Italian Dessert.

Source: DianasDesserts.com
Date: February 22, 2002